Friday, October 4, 2013

Rainbow Rider

Newton made it clear that rainbows come from the refraction of light by suspended particles of water in the atmosphere. We cannot ride on rainbows, because rainbows are light, and light has no mass: it is made of photons. But then comes young Einstein dreaming about riding on a beam of light. What can we make of this?
No! We will not talk about relativity! We will talk about my favorite pony: Streaky or (the impossible) Rainbow Rider! Here are some photos of the pony:

He (to me he is a male and there is no way around this) is a Rainbow Curl Pony, released in 1989-1990 along with Raincurl, Ringlet and Stripes. He is lavender and he has the Bradley/Buttons pose. The ponies of this set have four colours in their mane and ringlet curls. Unlike most My Little Pony toys, Rainbow Curl Ponies have rainbow-themed symbols in the sides of their bodies.

Streaky has musical notes on the rainbow symbol and they are somewhat disorganized. It seems someone played their music so loud, all notes collapsed and fell off the rainbow. Someone was supposed to put them back into place, but whoever did it knows very little about music, because some of the quavers and crotchets are facing backwards.

I don't know about your Streaky, but mine doesn't sing at all.

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